Friday, 27 February 2009

wee...Celebrating my Birthday !!

can't wait to start the next 365 days of my life!! really looking forward to it... As much as i want to have big cake and balloons  I think I will just settle for a quiet one with friends. I mean birthday does'nt necessarily have to be expensive as long as your surrounded with good friends that should be just perfect. Am so glad am not back home where everyone's asking you for a "treat" I mean...its ridiculous, it's your birthday and they are expecting you to spend money..hmm..they should be the one treating you..British culture is quite different. ...You're not expected to pay for your friends meal... we go dutch!! its so cool...heeheh...good for people who are "kuripot" but want to share their special day with friends.
So, this year am going to do the same, go out with friends for a meal..then go dutch!! Also, am lucky this year as my boyfriend arranged for us to have a short trip to watch a west end show in London!!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

lazy sunday afternoon

I wonder how many healthcare workers like me enjoys the so called "lazy sunday afternoon". Today is one of those few occassions that am actually off from work. The weather's nice but i don't have any urge to go out. Perhaps i miss that sunday afternoon back home where everyone's heading to the mall and enjoy window shopping or perhaps have some snacks with the whole family. Oh, yah! I miss the bit where i have to wake up early to catch the first sunday mass, but really what i wanted was for my dad and grand dad to buy that special "bibingka" after the mass. I felt sunday for me is just one day where you're doing nothing. Is it me or because am too busy with work and ending up exhausted most of time and the only better thing to do is stay at home and snuggle down with my duvet.
I want to know what others do during sundays??Any one out there?

Saturday, 21 February 2009

bringing back the old memories

Actually i don't have much clue of what to write here.. what am hoping for is that friends, foes from way back since childhood would hopefully visit and share their views with me or even just to stay in touch. It would be nice to bring back those old memories...does'nt matter if its good or bad... 
Opps, it would be nice to meet people from all over the world too!! Looking forward to learn each others culture, values and beliefs after all this is what life is all about...welcome to the circle of life.