Friday, 27 February 2009

wee...Celebrating my Birthday !!

can't wait to start the next 365 days of my life!! really looking forward to it... As much as i want to have big cake and balloons  I think I will just settle for a quiet one with friends. I mean birthday does'nt necessarily have to be expensive as long as your surrounded with good friends that should be just perfect. Am so glad am not back home where everyone's asking you for a "treat" I mean...its ridiculous, it's your birthday and they are expecting you to spend money..hmm..they should be the one treating you..British culture is quite different. ...You're not expected to pay for your friends meal... we go dutch!! its so cool...heeheh...good for people who are "kuripot" but want to share their special day with friends.
So, this year am going to do the same, go out with friends for a meal..then go dutch!! Also, am lucky this year as my boyfriend arranged for us to have a short trip to watch a west end show in London!!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm! You could you be referring to "us" here in our country? Well, that's how it goes here really. I tried "twisting" that a little bit here during my "Zuellig" days, long before a co-worker's birthday came, I already start getting a small amount from everybody (except from the celebrant) in the office, & when the celebrant's b'day came, he is treated to a celebration where he would not spend anything on that day!

    Nice topic you have posted here. Helps people learn of what others practice on the other part of the world with regard to celebrating one's birthday. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you! Enjoy you very special day with very special someone!
